
Honest and encouraging insights to support you on your journey to a happy life, get you through the hard days, and celebrate the victories, big or small -- I am here for it all!

Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

The Power of Boundaries: Protecting Our Well-Being in Every Aspect of Life

Have you ever felt drained, overwhelmed, or resentful because you're always saying yes to others? If so, you're not alone. Many of us struggle with setting boundaries, especially if we're people pleasers or have past trauma. But here's the thing: boundaries are essential for our well-being. They protect our energy, preserve our mental health, and ensure that our relationships are healthy and respectful.

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

Finding Yourself Again: Healing and Happiness After a Toxic Relationship

Have you ever felt like you've lost yourself? Like the person you once knew so well has been slowly fading away? It's an unsettling feeling, and it often happens when we find ourselves entangled in toxic, unhealthy relationships. These relationships can stealthily strip away our sense of self through manipulation, devaluing, isolation, and constant exhaustion. Let's delve into how this happens and, more importantly, how we can reclaim our lives and happiness.

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

A Guide to Daily Happiness Through Self-Love

In the grand mosaic of existence, there's an often overlooked element that holds the power to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. It's the essence of self-love – a soul-nurturing elixir that enriches our lives with joy, confidence, and a profound sense of fulfillment. Dr. Jane Simmons, a respected psychologist, once remarked, "True self-love is not about indulgence; it's about acknowledging your worth, embracing imperfections, and treating yourself with the kindness and compassion you readily extend to others."

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

Glimmers of Joy: Illuminating Your Life with Everyday Magic

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, amidst the chaos and challenges, it's essential to pause and acknowledge the glimmers - those small, yet significant moments that sparkle in the midst of our routine. Glimmers are the flickers of joy, the bursts of positivity that have the power to light up our souls and make us feel alive. Dr. Maya Evans, a renowned psychologist, once beautifully expressed, "Glimmers are like little gems scattered throughout our day, waiting to be discovered. They are the subtle reminders that life is brimming with beauty and potential.”

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

The Liberating Power of Forgiveness

Do you struggle with forgiving others? Let's reframe our thoughts on forgiveness and truly understand how it's beneficial for us. When someone hurts you, particularly through actions that may have caused pain or distress, they may have a certain degree of power over your feelings and well-being. Holding onto resentment or anger allows that person's actions to continue affecting you.

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

Rising Beyond 'Not Enough': Conquering Shame through Self-Compassion

Shame – that deep, visceral emotion that can grip our souls and make us feel small, inadequate, and unworthy. But what exactly is shame, and how does it take root within us? Dr. Kristin Neff, a pioneering researcher on self-compassion, suggests that shame is an intensely painful emotion arising from the belief that we are flawed, unlovable, or unworthy of acceptance.

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

Nurturing the Soul: The Life-Changing Magic of Self-Compassion

Embarking on the path of self-compassion is akin to uncovering your personalized happiness handbook—a guide that infuses your life with profound inner peace. It's the art of gracefully navigating life's challenges with a spirit brimming with care and compassion, a dialogue with oneself echoing the kindness, encouragement, and positivity reserved for one's closest confidant.

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

Feeling Stuck: Navigating the Struggles in a Relationship

In the intricate dance of love and relationships, there comes a time when many of us find ourselves feeling stuck. It's that moment when you realize the relationship you're in is no longer healthy or you’re no longer aligned with your values, yet detaching from it seems like an insurmountable mountain to climb. It's a heart-wrenching struggle that tugs at your soul, leaving you with an ache that's hard to shake off.

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

Navigating the Fragility of Walking on Eggshells: A Healing Journey

Walking on eggshells is more than a metaphor; it's a state of emotional vigilance, born out of the need to anticipate and avoid potential conflict, manipulation or harm. The fear of saying the wrong thing or making a misstep becomes a daily burden, and the toll it takes on one's mental and emotional well-being is heavy.

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

Healing After a Breakup: Nurturing Your Heart Through the Storm

Breakups, they say, are like a storm that rages through your life, leaving you battered and bruised in its wake. They can be one of the most challenging emotional ordeals you'll ever face, filled with a blend of heartache, confusion, and longing. If you're going through a breakup, it's essential to know that you're not alone in feeling this way.

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

Coping with Trauma: Healing the Wounds We Don't Speak About

Life's journey is anything but predictable, and it often throws us into a whirlwind of challenging experiences that leave deep scars. Trauma, whether stemming from toxic relationships, divorce, affairs, or childhood trauma, can seep into the very core of our being, affecting every facet of our existence.

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

Embracing Holiday Happiness: Navigating Family Dynamics with Grace

As we approach the holiday season, the anticipation of spending time with family can sometimes be tinged with anxiety and stress. For many of us, the mere thought of reuniting with certain family members can trigger a rush of worries, fears, and even physical symptoms.

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

Why is it so hard to say "NO"?

In the intricate web of our human interactions, the two-letter word “no” often stands as a formidable obstacle for us.

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

Happy Thanksgiving: Embracing Gratitude

As the autumn leaves fall and the air grows crisper, there's a special feeling in the air. It's a season of warmth, gathering, and reflection. It's the perfect time to talk about gratitude and how embracing it can change your life for the better. In this newsletter, we'll explore the transformative power of gratitude and provide you with a simple yet profound exercise to bring more of it into your daily life. So, grab a cup of tea, snuggle up, and let's embark on a heartwarming journey together.

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

The Power of Self-Love: Your Key to Well-Being and Happiness

In a world filled with challenges, stress, and constant demands, it's easy to forget one essential aspect of our lives – self-love. Self-love is not a selfish act; it's a fundamental necessity for our well-being and happiness. This blog will explore why self-love is vital for overcoming trauma, toxic relationships, feelings of inadequacy, low confidence, and unhealthy situations. By putting ourselves first, we unlock the path to a more fulfilling life, inner peace, and true happiness.

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

The Healing Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a profound act of self-love and compassion. It's a journey that allows us to release the heavy burden of anger, resentment, and pain. While forgiving someone who has hurt us deeply, especially when they haven't apologized, may seem like an insurmountable challenge, it's essential for our own well-being.

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

Unleashing the Key to True Happiness: Discovering the Power Within

In a world filled with external distractions and societal pressures, it's easy to fall into the trap of seeking happiness in external circumstances or material possessions. It's time to unlock the door to a fulfilling and authentic life by finding happiness from within. Click to continue reading.

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

The Transformative Power of Gratitude: Embracing Joy and Abundance

In a world filled with hustle and bustle, it's easy to overlook the simple blessings that surround us every day. However, by cultivating gratitude, we can unlock a gateway to profound joy and fulfillment. In this uplifting blog, we will explore the remarkable benefits of practicing gratitude and discover simple ways to infuse gratitude into our lives.

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