Unveiling the Path to Happiness: Group Sessions for Healing After a Toxic Relationship

Are you tired of feeling like a prisoner within the walls of a toxic relationship, desperately seeking an escape route to rediscover your true self? Picture a space where you're not alone, where the weight of your toxic relationship is lifted, and you find yourself surrounded by a community of understanding women. Welcome to our transformative group sessions led by the experienced and certified Happiness Life Coach, Kerry Rasenberger.

In our Winter, Spring, and Fall Group Sessions, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, breaking down the walls of toxicity, and rebuilding a foundation for happiness. These sessions go beyond just recognizing toxic traits; they provide a haven where you become a valued member of a community, armed with healing tools and supported by fellow women.

Under Kerry's guidance, the complexities of rebuilding after toxic relationships are unraveled, paving the way to your authentic self. From silencing your inner critic to celebrating milestones, these sessions offer more than just lessons; they unfold a pathway to rediscover your spark, regain control, and nurture the true happiness within.

This isn't just a group; it's a transformative experience designed for strong, resilient women like you – individuals ready to prioritize self-care. Join us to connect, clarify your values and goals, and embark on a journey where you learn to love and care for yourself first. It's time to reclaim your life, and Kerry is here to guide you every step of the way. Don't let toxic relationships define you – let this be the beginning of reclaiming your power and embracing the happiness you deserve. Sign up now and take the first step towards a brighter, empowered tomorrow.

Winter Group Session: Breaking Free from Toxicity and Building Awareness

Starts Tuesday, February 13th at 7 pm EST via Zoom

Schedule and Topics

Week 1 (2/13): Understanding Unhealthy and Toxic Relationships - The journey begins by shedding light on the characteristics of unhealthy relationships. Uncover the signs and gain insights to recognize toxicity, empowering you to break free from its grip.

Week 2 (2/20): Self-Awareness - Delve into the realm of self-awareness, understanding your emotions, desires, and boundaries. Learn to navigate the intricate path of self-discovery, a crucial step toward healing.

Week 3 (2/27): Coping Strategies - Equip yourself with effective coping strategies to deal with the emotional aftermath of toxicity. Explore techniques that will empower you to overcome challenges and emerge stronger.

Week 4 (3/5): Healing Begins - Experience the transformative power of healing. This week focuses on initiating the healing process, fostering resilience, and embracing the beginning of a new chapter.

Week 5 (3/12): Setting Boundaries 101 - Master the art of setting boundaries, a key element in preventing future toxicity. Learn to establish and communicate limits that safeguard your emotional well-being.

Week 6 (3/19): Moving Forward - Celebrate your journey and take the final step towards a brighter future. This week is about setting goals, cultivating a positive mindset, and embracing the empowered version of yourself.

Spots are filling up fast. Join us for our Winter Session – break free from toxicity, build awareness, and embark on a transformative journey towards rediscovering happiness. Sign up now and embrace the support of a community that understands and values your growth. Your empowered tomorrow awaits! Click here to register.


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