Are you Responsible For your Actions?

Are you Responsible for your Actions?

“Accepting complete responsibility for your life means that you refuse to make excuses or blame others for anything in your life that you’re not happy about. “ - Brian Tracy

We all have more responsibilities as we get older. In fact, teaching responsibility to our children was part of our job description as a parent. Let us examine if we up-hold the same principals, hold the same standards, and live the teachings we taught our kids. 

Parenthood is probably the single most important responsibility we have undertaken.  Did we teach coping skills, raise kids who are responsible and kind to others? Are we a role model taking responsibility for our own actions and not blaming others? Do we hold ourselves to the same standards that we hold others too?  

We cannot expect others to do what we say, if we do not practice what we preach and be accountable. This does not apply to just our children- but to everyone we meet. We are fully responsible for our actions and it is our actions that define us.  You will find more happiness in life by being responsible and not blaming others.

Something to think about:

Connect: Think of a time you made excuses or blamed someone else for a mishap in your life? (we all do it sometime in life ) What thoughts did you create in your mind? Were they true thoughts and feelings?

Clarify: Was your blame based on assumptions? What responsibility did you want them to uphold for you? What tension did it cause?  How would the situation be better if you accepted your responsibility? 

Commit:  List three actions steps - how you could have accepted your responsibility better?  Apply and adjust them to a current situation you are going through.  Commit to your responsibility.  Hold yourself to the same standards that you expect from others. In time, it will make you feel good about yourself. Accepting responsibility creates a happy life.


Keeping It Cosher Podcast

