Honest and encouraging insights to support you on your journey to a happy life, get you through the hard days, and celebrate the victories, big or small -- I am here for it all!
Do you know the saying, “When you assume it makes an ASS out of U and ME”? Assumptions can lead to pain, heartache and distrust.
Language is a powerful tool
Simple changes to our day to day conversations can have a huge impact on our relationships. Paying attention to our word choices, tones, expressions, and cadence can help us improve our relationships, ourselves, and our attitudes. It is not just what we say but how we say it!
Change your thoughts, Change your body image.
Does looking in the mirror make you cringe? If so, you are not alone. Studies have shown that most women, regardless of age group, report dissatisfaction with their body image. We can reverse this trend, but it takes time and dedication to your own, individual commitment.
Start your journey
Have questions and want to experience the benefits of working with a coach before committing? No problem!