
“The two most important days in life are the day you born and the day you find out why” - Mark Twain

What are your thoughts when you consider your life’s purpose?  Have you achieved your teenage dreams? Perhaps you always wanted to be a marine biologist, an interior designer or a small business owner.  What did you want to be when you grew up… are you doing that now?

 It is important to take time to reflect. Without reflection, we may never create goals, feel satisfaction, or even build our relationships. Once you have a goal or dream, what is the next step? 

Just knowing that a goal is not enough. Taking action requires a bit of planning and requires commitment- not to others, but to ourselves. Does a fear of failure, or a dislike of change, keep you in a position of just being a passive by-stander - or does the thrill of taking action motivate you to get busy to accomplish your goals? 

Either way, reflection is key to setting realistic and achievable goals. It is wonderful to have people around us, to support us in our choices, but the action and responsibility to achieve our goals is our SOLE commitment. Commit to yourself!

Something to think about:

Connect: What did you want to be when you grew up?  Why was that important to you? What is your Life’s Purpose? 

Clarify: your Life’s Purpose.  Where are you now with it? What stopped you from achieving your  purpose in the past or present? How is your life’s purpose different from your 20’s to mid-life? 

Commit: to taking time today to reflect. Make one goal for positive action and complete it to help you achieve your Life’s purpose. 


Language is a powerful tool


Change your thoughts, Change your body image.