
Honest and encouraging insights to support you on your journey to a happy life, get you through the hard days, and celebrate the victories, big or small -- I am here for it all!

Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

Silencing the Inner Critic: Embrace Self-Love and Tame Your Negative Voice

Have you ever noticed a persistent voice inside your head, constantly criticizing your every move? This is your inner critic, a powerful force that can erode your self-worth and hinder your journey towards self-love. But fear not, for in this blog, we will delve into the causes of our inner critic's appearance and explore effective techniques to tame it. Together, we will reclaim our self-worth and embrace a more loving and compassionate inner dialogue.

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

Unmasking the Struggle: Why is Self-Love Elusive for Many Women?

In the midst of life's demands and expectations, self-love can often feel elusive for many women. We find ourselves navigating a myriad of challenges, putting the needs of others before our own, and neglecting our own well-being. Today, let us unmask the underlying factors that prevent women from embracing self-love and explore how to embark on a transformative journey towards self-acceptance and happiness.

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

Imagine Yourself Podcast

One of the most important relationships you’ll ever have is the relationship you have with yourself. This episode offers a challenge to anyone who is looking for more of all the right things. What if you start to fully embrace self-love and find yourself in more loving, balanced, meaningful relationships overall? What if being your own best friend is what ultimately leads to healthy, vibrant, and fun friendships with others? What if being kind and understanding to an imperfect you helps to navigate this imperfect world with more confidence and composure?

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

TOXIC BLOCK Keeping it Cosher

GAME OVER~The only way to win with a toxic person is not to play! Life Coach Kerry Rasenberger confidently defines and explains the destructive dynamics of "poison play". Join our crew, and recognize how true: "IT'S NOT ME, IT'S YOU

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

How do we identify a person with toxic qualities…. who are they? Well, guess what. They look like everyone else, talk like everyone else, can be in your friend group, your family, your spouse, co-worker. People with toxic qualities are professional liars, master manipulators and can be extremely charismatic.

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Guest User Guest User

The Beauty of Having Sex with the Lights ON

You’re probably wondering, “What crazy talk is this? Women don’t have sex with the lights on!” You may be right. Many women probably don’t enjoy sex with the lights on, or much less find it “beautiful.” But give me a chance to explain. Once you read further you may just find the beauty I am referring to. And, your relationship may become stronger for it.

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Body Image #2

Have you ever wondered why it’s so tough to lose weight and keep it off in mid-life? Many women starting a new diet experience a conflict within themselves struggling between feeling emotionally and physically uncomfortable going through the steps necessary to lose that extra weight.

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

See Ya Later, Slater

In August of 2010, Steven Slater (author of Wingwalking) we discuss an event which propelled him to land on Time Magazine’s top 10 list of 2010, along with reference as the “Jet Blue Jumper” we are here to clear the air. A decade later, life is greater with Steven Slater! His book is available on Amazon and @ Barnes and Noble!

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Melanie Miller Melanie Miller

Arthur the Author

Former Pittsburgh Steeler, Arthur Moats, opens his playbook~"THEORY OF LIFE, A GUIDE TO BECOMING A PERSON OF IMPACT AND INSPIRATION".  His exuberance and enthusiasm of achieving the "MOATS" out of life is contagious.  The Language of Legends begins with a SMILE!

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

What Every Adult Daughter Wants Their Mom To Know

Communication is the KEY as we explore the existing dynamic between Mothers and Daughters. Two experts in the field of Life Coaching - Kerry Rasenberger and Bradie Mitchell, share tips and strategies which include respecting and understanding the roles of MAGICAL MOTHERS and DARLING DAUGHTERS! 

Listen here

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