
Honest and encouraging insights to support you on your journey to a happy life, get you through the hard days, and celebrate the victories, big or small -- I am here for it all!

Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

Keeping It Cosher Podcast

I will be spending a lot of time with my girls from Keeping it Cosher! Our latest podcast is up: 19 years ago our world changed forever.... You can listen on Spotify, Apple Music, and iHeartRadio!

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

Are you Responsible For your Actions?

Parenthood is probably the single most important responsibility we have undertaken.  Did we teach coping skills, raise kids who are responsible and kind to others?

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger


Do you know the saying, “When you assume it makes an ASS out of U and ME”? Assumptions can lead to pain, heartache and distrust.

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

Language is a powerful tool

Simple changes to our day to day conversations can have a huge impact on our relationships. Paying attention to our word choices, tones, expressions, and cadence can help us improve our relationships, ourselves, and our attitudes. It is not just what we say but how we say it!

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger


It is important to take time to reflect. Without reflection, we may never create goals, feel satisfaction, or even build our relationships. Once you have a goal or dream, what is the next step?

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

Change your thoughts, Change your body image.

Does looking in the mirror make you cringe? If so, you are not alone. Studies have shown that most women, regardless of age group, report dissatisfaction with their body image. We can reverse this trend, but it takes time and dedication to your own, individual commitment. 

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

Coping with Change

“The art of life lies in constant readjustment to our surroundings.” -Kakuzo Okakura

As my son prepares to return to University and work after the Covid-19 lockdown, I once again feel the return of those empty nest feelings. The worries of, “Will he be OK, will he eat right, is he ready to be on his own?”, all came flooding back. It is like reliving the “new normal his dad and I faced when he left the first time. It has dawned on me that we face “new normals” throughout our lives.

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger


“Every journey begins with the first step of articulating the intention, and then becoming the intention.” – Bryant McGill, The Voice of Reason

What is intention? The Cambridge English Dictionary defines it as, “Something that you want and plan to do. Synonyms include, aim, ambition, aspiration, goal, or purpose.”

Midlife is often a time when we discover that we really want to understand and clarify our intentions.

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger


“What you see depends not only what you look AT, but also, on where you look FROM.” – James Deacon

We are living through an impactful time in history. People are standing united against prejudice and injustice- Black lives matter, # me too and climate change. We are in the midst of a pandemic that will forever change the way we learn, work and interact as a world society. Perhaps it is because we have been forced to isolate due to C-19 that we are finding our voice.

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Guest User Guest User


“There are two ways of spreading the light. To be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it.” – Edith Wharton

I just found a note in an old textbook that was written to me by a boyfriend from many, many years ago. He must have tucked it inside my book to brighten my day-back in 1996- 24 years ago! The note was simple: “ I love you, I believe in you and I am grateful for you. Your efforts are noticed and I am so glad you are in my life”.

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Kerry Rasenberger Kerry Rasenberger

Women Helping Women

“Amazing things happen when women help women.” - Kasia Gospos

Our “New COVID Normal” is affecting everyone, but as women between the ages of 40-60, we are facing an extraordinary set of challenges beyond COVID that affect us everyday--midlife.

Mid-life challenges include Empty Nest ‘Syndrome’, relationship issues, career changes, finding new life’s purpose, lost of identity, aging parents, body image challenges--weight gain and sagging bodies.

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